Looking through old photos, I came across one of a tailgate from an old Toyota bakkie....
This old tyre on a donkey cart has been repaired with wire and stuffed with old cloth and...
A hundred kilometres east of Rundu, near the sign to Kavango Game Breeders, Dasilver...
The ingenious and innovative ways people find to give second-hand items a new lease...
Everywhere you travel in Namibia, you see examples of ingenious upcycling where people...
Looking through my old photos I found this slide taken in Damaraland in the 90s of a...
Giving a second life to old items is always inspiring. I came across this unusual bar...
Interesting items gain a second life when they are found to be useful. I had to...
Namibia’s donkey carts are the 4x4s of rural Namibia. I came across this wonderful...
It’s always inspiring to see the ingenious ways that old items are used to create...