Although the ‘Finger of God’ rock pinnacle tumbled to the earth more than thirty years...
If you’ve ever wondered about the name given to Namibia’s famous rock engravings,...
If you’ve ever wondered about the name given to Namibia’s famous rock engravings,...
When I found a photo of a woman and her dog in an album in the archives, it immediately...
On my journeys around Namibia, I sometimes spot an old Bedford truck abandoned in the...
The last quagga died in the Amsterdam Zoo on 12 August 1883. Its passing went unnoticed...
This unusual photo was taken at the Swakop River in the big flood of 1934.Every few...
One of my childhood memories is the early-morning delivery van dropping off milk from the...
On one of my trips to Angola, I visited Cassinga, site of the contentious 1978 attack by...