A prominent feature in the Fish River Canyon surrounds, the Spiegelberg pinnacle...
The distinctive long-horned cattle of Owambo is a breed of the Sanga, the collective...
adventure, history, people, books, Bittersweet Karas home, Bittersweet Karas Home Chapter 2
Set in southern Namibia, Great Namaqualand, ‘Bittersweet Karas Home’ is the story...
While paging through a dogeared issue of ‘CUSTOS’, the very informative old South...
This sign in Otavi brought a smile to my face. We spotted it on a dusty street on our way...
Dogged determination … indefatigable … undeterred … unassuming. This is without doubt...
Ek en Gideon Wessels ry tussen Christiana en Kimberley toe hy sê hy wil vir my die...
Many years ago, I played a joke on my friend who was getting married. I wrote ‘HILFE’...