Padlangs Namibia

Keeping it real

Written by Manni Goldbeck | Aug 30, 2024 8:35:12 AM
When I was recently in Germany, I noticed a group of young people boarding the train for a camping holiday. They had on full backpacks, on which were strapped sleeping bags, tents, camping chairs and . . . I couldn’t believe my eyes . . . an electric stove!
 Looking at their white socks and trainers. I thought of our tough all-terrain velskoene (often worn without socks) and Namibia, and how privileged we are to be here. It took me straight back to the bush and Africa. Here, the outdoors is still the outdoors. We can make a small campfire with good, dry camelthorn wood and sit under a clear, starry sky braaing our quality Namibian wors. So lekker!
Our excellent dry wood, including kameeldoring, sekelbos, swarthaak and mopane, is also appreciated by our South African neighbours, a braaing nation, and truckloads of wood are conveyed southwards on a weekly basis. You don’t need to ask a Capetonian how good it is to find dry Namibian wood in the winter.
Today, we celebrate Namibia, in all its glory: its friendly people, its clear skies, its beautiful land and its vast space. With a population of only 3 million people and 300 days of sunshine, there are ample top-notch camping opportunities. Here, we are still keeping it real.
Come and visit us in Namibia, make it all happen with our Gondwana Card.