Padlangs Namibia

Celebrating life aboard the River Villa

Written by Ron Swilling | Aug 9, 2024 9:03:00 AM

There are some things in life that take you by surprise. Gondwana’s River Villa, moored on the Kwando River in northeastern Namibia, does just that.

The sound of fish eagles followed us on the drive and short boat trip from Namushasha River Lodge, south of Kongola. Before the boat even dropped us off at our floating villa, we spotted the family group of elephants across-river in Bwabwata National Park, moving majestically through the grassland. There was nothing to be done except to throw off shoes as quickly as possible, get the binos, pour ourselves a gin-and-tonic from the well-stocked bar, find some snacks and sit back. That is, after we recovered from the serious WOW effect this incredibly beautiful houseboat had on us.

The phragmites reeds blew in the breeze, the waterlilies on either side of us opened to the sun, small crocs splashed next to the boat and swallows swooped and chirped around us. Before us lay the sparkling water edged by reeds and trees.


Besides the beauty, what also caught us by surprise was the relaxed and comfortable feeling of the double-storey boat, with lounge and kitchen below and bedroom and bathroom above. And of course, those indispensable balconies. With the luxury that Gondwana’s Secret Collection offers, also came a feeling of homeliness. The feeling that we could sit back with feet up, read a book or play a board game, make a braai or cook up vegetables for supper on the gas stove while sipping on a good glass of wine. It came with a feeling of deep peace.

Each moment begged celebrating, the sinking sun that lit everything up in gold (a fine show, for which we had front row seats) and the evening shades of crimson that lined the clouds and were reflected in the water. The stillness, the sound of crickets, hippo grunting (or laughing perhaps), the moon on the water, a splash here and there, the call of a hyena. We were up at dawn, sitting in bed with coffee and the view of the Kwando to enjoy the show once again. Two herons flew past over the water, massive wings outstretched, and a few lechwe revealed their presence to us from the reeds. The merry chirping of birds filled the air and the cool of the morning began to warm as the sun rose.


When making our plans for the trip, we had vacillated (briefly) wondering whether we should save the River Villa for an anniversary, a birthday, a special or romantic occasion, for which it is, of course, the perfect destination. Then we decided that we couldn’t, wouldn’t and shouldn’t wait. THE TIME IS NOW.

This year we had realised with a bang that life is far too short and every moment needs celebrating (and gratitude), and if there is ever a place for that, this is it with no-one around for as far as the eye can see, except us – and Nature. We were making moments to relish and treasure.

I once saw a little sign with big words. It said ‘Until further notice, celebrate everything.’ We decided to do just that.